Khalyce Griffin
Ethan Fisher finishes first in home cross country meet.
The cross country team has started off its season strong with the Rebels hosting the first track meet, 16 schools competing the boys placed fourth and the girls came in third.
Sophomore Ethan Fisher came in first with a time of 18.43, and Junior Kayla Lofton finished in ninth led the girls with a time of 26.18.
“ I thought I was going to die,” said Lofton . She said that she was very nervous before the race but after she started running she felt great.
Head Coach Michael Warren says his expectations for this year is at least one guy and one girl to go to all state.
Warren’s motivation to his players is “Cross Country is a mental sport you have to stay mentally tough through your progress.” Coach Warren said.
The Cross Country team has their next track meet on Sept. 12 in Hattiesburg.
Kalifornia Gentry