Murrah crowns Herrington homecoming queen

Leona O’Neal

Grand Marshall Brandon Murrah crowns 2021 homecoming queen Carlie Herrington.

   Students and staff were glad to fully be able to celebrate homecoming and participate in the festivities.

   Many students and teachers took pride in their school by dressing up all week. From babies to old people and cowboys to angels, lots of people showed their creativity and personality in so many colorful ways throughout the week.

   The sophomore class showed up and showed out by decorating their hall and winning the competition. Students of Teacher Academy helped with the decorating of many doors and brought Ashlyn Stringfellow and Eva Lebert a win for the door decorating competition. Brandy Glass and Valerie Pierce also were included in the winning of the competition.

   In hopes of bringing more people in, administrators decided to try something new this year. Homecoming queen was not announced until the night of the homecoming game.

   “It’s very suspenseful and brings people in…” senior maid Janelle Bradshaw said, “kinda seems like a movie.”

   Due to inclement weather, the annual homecoming parade was cancelled. This year’s homecoming maids are invited to ride in the Christmas parade in December. They will be recognized this way since they were unable to ride in the homecoming parade.  In lieu of the parade, a dance was held at the school after the game. The dance had a great turnout and many hyped people since the football game had been won

  Another addition to this year’s fest, George County Middle School was unable to have a homecoming game, so their homecoming maids were also recognized at the high school game.

   “For me to be selected all four years in high school, I feel that I’m doing something right. I’m honored to represent my class,” senior maid Jacie Bounds said.

   Homecoming queen Carlie Herrington had the honor of being crowned by someone very near and dear to her, Brandon Murrah. Being unable to have all of the opportunities as other students his age, he has been given some opportunities that others were not.

   “Do what makes you happy and love other people even though they might not love you. Don’t worry about what others think about you, only one opinion matters, and that is Jesus Christ’s.” Herrington said, “Don’t take things for granted and live every moment like it’s your last.”