Student council hosts final blood drive of school year
Student Council members are working the registration portion of the blood drive.
March 7, 2023
George County High School Student Council has sponsored its second Red Cross Blood Drive of the school year.
¨Forty-six units were collected from 53 donors in the library potentially saving 138 lives, and out of 26 donors 20 units of blood were collected from the bloodmobile potentially saving 68 lives,¨ Stringfellow said
The Red Cross visits schools throughout the United States including George County High School. They send staff members to the high schools for collection of blood and plasma from students.
¨Over 500 students a year between schools give blood,¨ collections nurse Latonya said.
Students have two opportunities to give blood each year from the time they are 16 to the time they graduate. Once students become of age they either have to get a permission form signed by a parent if the student is under the age of 17 or 17 without parent permission. Once they are registered, they go through one last station before giving blood then one after to ensure they get their strength back.
¨ They go through registration, then go to health history (testing for qualifying criteria to give blood), next they go to the bed to give blood, last they go to the canteen to re-energize after giving blood,¨ collections nurse Latonya said.
There are requirements that high school students have to meet in order to be eligible to give blood through the class-sponsored blood drive. These requirements insure that the student will be capable of withstanding the blood withdrawal. According to a Red Cross collections nurse, the requirements include having to be a certain height, weight, and pass the hemoglobin test.
Student Council sponsor Ashlyn Stringfellow organizes the blood drive to help the community and to raise scholarship money for student council members.The Red Cross sets aside scholarship money based on how many units of blood are donated throughout the school year. Then the scholarship could be given to senior student council members. Stringfellow would like to say a special thank you to the people who donated.
The school allows Stringfellow and student council to sponsor this because it allows the community to come to the bloodmobile to give blood and for students to give blood in the library. This also helps the critical shortage of blood in hospitals and creates a lasting impact on students understanding the importance of giving blood.
Blood is used every day to save lives, to help with surgeries, and to give healthy blood cells to cancer patients. One blood donation can save up to three lives. According to the Red Cross, there is no substitute for blood. When a patient receives blood, it was given by a generous donor.
Senior Keith Bex gave blood for the second time at the high school this year. He had his own reason for giving blood both times.
¨It felt normal, so I only felt the needle going in and out. I did it because I like to help people,¨ Bex said.
Junior Tyler Moulds gave blood for the first time at the high school. His reasoning was special to him.
¨ I donated to help the babies out, I feel like there aren’t a lot of babies out there that’s given a fair chance with medical conditions, so I try to help them out,¨ Moulds said.
Senior Alana Davison gave blood for her first time. She had a pretty good experience with little pain.
¨It hurt a little but not unbearable; I had a pretty good first time experience. I did it so
I can help other people,¨ Davidson said.
No matter the reason, giving blood saves lives. The blood given is processed, counted and sorted by the American Red Cross and sent off to labs to be tested for blood types. After being tested, the labs send the blood off to hospitals and patients in need.