Looking for something local as an East Central native, social studies teacher Zach Jones has decided to start his teaching career at George County High.
After having a few teachers that had an impact on his life, Jones decided that he wanted to go into teaching so that he could have that impact on young people’s lives.
“ I know that I had a lot of teachers and coaches that had a strong impact on how I thought of things and how I wanted to live. They inspired me to do it,” Jones said.
He graduated from East Central High School, then attended college at William Carey University. Jones graduated from William Carey with a bachelor’s degree in teaching and coaching, specifically physical education and health.
Jones has enjoyed his first semester here at the high school and was inspired to come here because he wanted to stay close to home.
“I love it. Lots of good people and the administration has been really good to me. I’ve enjoyed it so far,” Jones said.
When he is not teaching, Jones enjoys playing golf.
Some of his goals for this year include getting used to teaching and setting goals for himself and his students.
Jones also has advice he would like to give to his students.
“Definitely stay in school and try their very best because it will have a positive impact on them in their future. And most of all, keep God first,” Jones said.