Graham Serves His Alma Mater
December 17, 2019
As students pass by the GCHS maintenance director in the halls, many do not know much about him or his day-to-day schedule.
Duke Graham has a little bit of history here at the high school, starting out as the mascot for three years shortly before graduating in 1973. Before being asked in 2013 by the superintendent to take the position as the maintenance director Graham starts out his life working offshore, chevron, leaf river, then building houses for ten years.
Now, before starting his day he unlocks the school for students and faculty. Then, at 5:15 every school morning he picks up the trash around the parking lot before the students begin to arrive. Off to his desk he checks all the work orders left for him from the previous day. Never stopping Graham visits with Principal Wade Whitney to discuss if there is anything in particular to be done in the day. Back to the parking lot he starts duty with the other administrators. At 7:45 after the late bell rings Graham locks up the school. Returning to his office he begins the requested work orders.
“As I look at the school and its condition when I started I think it is way cleaner now than it was before,” Graham said.
When working Graham enjoys remembering he is helping the high school stay in nice and clean shape.