GCHS implements new technology
February 18, 2021
George County High School has recently had some new internet updates that will help improve school devices and connection.
The school’s new upgrades include new Chromebooks, 100 hotspots, new security updates, new software for Google Classroom and better internet connection. Funds from the CARES Act were used to help purchase these updates.
“With the CARES Act funds, we were able to purchase enough Chromebooks for everyone, and we were also able to upgrade the high school networking infrastructure to help with connection,” District technology coordinator Kevin Stringer said.
New Chromebooks have been purchased so that every student and teacher will have access to one. The school has also received 100 new hotspots for students without internet connection at home. The goal for the new Chromebooks and hotspots is to make online learning easier and more available.
A new software called Kami was also introduced to the school. This software makes it easier for teachers and students to work on documents through Google Classroom.
During all of these new upgrades the school internet was also updated to help ensure that the Chromebooks can connect to the internet and that the Wifi can support them. With the internet updated, state testing was able to flow better. More students were able to test at once, and they were able to test on new devices.
The reasoning behind these new technological upgrades is so that students can have the up-to-date technology they need.
“Technology is always evolving and we want to be equal to other schools,” Stringer said.
A teacher who uses technology in her class everyday is STEM teacher Angie Ring. According to Ring, she loves how portable the Chromebooks are and also how clear the cameras are. Also she thinks they are very important for keeping our distance learners up to date.