Students take winter state test

Kirstie McLeod, Staff Reporter

  With the end of the first semester, students will take the state test on December the 8th, 9th, and 10th of that week.

   The state test has three separate subjects for each grade, except for seniors. The freshman takes the algebra or algebra two state test, the sophomores take the english or english two state test, and the juniors take the U.S. history state test. The algebra and english state test has two parts. While some of the students take the state test, the rest of the students will be distant learning on those three days. 

   For the students who miss the state test because they were quarantined, those students will be able to make up the state test on December 11th through 17th and in January if needed. If the students miss the make up days for the state test, they will have to wait until the spring state test to take their state test. Also if a student comes to school late for state testing, that student will not be able to take the state test and will have to wait for the remake days to take the state test.

   The english and the algebra state test is timed, but the U.S. history is not timed. For the students who take the timed state test, checkouts will happen when every student gets done taking the test. If some students don’t get checkout, those students will go into a different classroom and wait until they get checkout or wait until the day is done. Students who take the untimed test can checkout when they are done, but only if the student has a checkout note. If a student doesn’t have a checkout note, the student will not be able to checkout. And just like the timed students, those students who don’t have a checkout note will go into a different classroom to wait to be checked out, or to wait until the day is over. Also if a computer or chrome book doesn’t let the student log in to take the state test, the student will get another computer or chrome book to log in to take the state test.

   When the time comes to take the state test, most of the students will be separated from their class or some of the students will stay with their class. Also with trying to slow down the spread of COVID, there will be 15 students per classroom. The amount of classrooms that will be used is undetermined at the moment.