Horticulture restores greenhouses


Jaida Strahan

Greenhouses are restored and ready for growing.

Khalyce Griffin, Staff Reporter

   It has been 148 days since the devastating Hurricane Zeta destroyed everything in its path, including the greenhouses that belong to Rick McMullan and his horticulture classes.

   “We grazed the site down to the ground and started completely over; there was no saving anything,” McMullan said.

   Starting back at square one, McMullan and his students have begun the long process of rebuilding. Working hard day after day, the greenhouses are 85% done, with one already up and running.

   “We are almost there, by the end of school after we have our CPAS and state test coming up. It should be a couple of months before we are completely done,” McMullan said.

   The students have faced many challenges while building the greenhouses, one of the most recurring being building the gutters. 

  “The gutters were really hard to get leveled. We all had to help hold it together; and putting the shade on, it was all really tough but we got it,” Junior Grace Cumberland said.

   Despite these challenges, the class had not only built greenhouses, but also built a stronger relationship as a class.

   “My favorite part was hanging out with all these guys. Having fun, but getting stuff done,” Senior Brasen Eubanks said.

   McMullan has already started selling plants, which helps fund everything that is needed for the greenhouses.

  So if you are interested in buying veggies or flowers, come buy from the horticulture class. Plants will be sold year-round, with flats costing $12 and baskets costing $12 to $20. The shop will be open during school hours and 8am to 12pm on Saturdays.