The Rebel football team played hard last Friday night, but fell short while playing against the Biloxi Indians, losing 13-30 with one major factor: injuries.
Several of the players acquired an injury early on in the game which caused them to sit out of the majority of the game.
“We should have won Friday night, would have won Friday night if we didn’t have all of those injuries,”James Ray said.
The team lost three starters at the beginning of the game and two others throughout the course of the game. Senior Brenn Moody suffered a concussion and senior Deuce Knight pulled his hamstring. Senior Tyler Cochran tore his ACL and will be out the rest of the season. Ray said that the Knight and Moody would most likely be out this week but hopefully will be back next week for the first away game of the season.
Now the Rebels have been preparing for tonight’s game against Vancleave. Coach Ray said that the reason they are playing Vancleave for homecoming is because we had to find someone who we do not play in district and they have to be very careful the timing because nobody wants it done soon or too early and it has to be a home game.
“You really don’t want a homecoming game during district,” Coach Ray said.
Tactics that the team is using this season are, practicing every day they can, watching film and studying. They are doing what they do every week so they can stay in routine so they do not get off track especially with players out. Every week is different, so they are staying focused and working hard.
Coach Ray is very proud of the team and even though they lost last week he still is good with being 2-1.
“Don’t count us out just yet. We are still 2- 1, still the same team, we are going to get healthy and everything is going to rock and roll like we want it to,” Ray said. Homecoming festivities begin tonight at 6:15 with the presentation of the court followed by kickoff at 7 p.m., so Rebel Fans, let’s show up and show out!